The importance of Dog Training

the importance of dog training

Welcome to our dog training blog

Dear fellow dog lovers, welcome to this blog which is dedicated to help everyone to train their dog in the easy and pleasant manner with positive reinforcment. By following the detailed and simple instructions for each command, you can easily train your dog – regardless of its breed - in all the basic commands and even more if you wish!
Believe it or not, dog training is actually a process that started as early as 30,000 years bc. According to recent discoveries that was when the human race started to domesticate dog species. Amazingly though , the evolutionary split between dogs as we know them and the wolf, began even earlier 
100.000 years ago. As you might already know, the dog is subspecies of the grey wolf. The evolutionary split started when the wolf started to approach the human species in order to find food. It comes as no surprise that  after so many years dog and humans have develop a very strong bond. Those early dangerous years, dogs were our alarm system and provided early warning against potential danger, also with their advanced smell and hearing they were our radar when we hunted together as a team for our survival. For thousands of years dogs are our partner in the fight for survival but also a part of our family at home. And that’s about how we came to the point, that the dog recognizes us as members of their pact, and we can recognize them as true members of our family!


One of the main reasons that our relationship with dogs is so successful for so many years is that the nature of the dog closely matches the nature of humans. Dogs are also social species just like the humans, and they strongly feel the need to belong to a family – their pact.  Dogs are very loyal, totally committed, able to feel noble feelings and to make such acts of altruism and self-sacrifice that very often dogs seem to be more human than humans. Their love is really unconditional and that’s why we love them so much!
The other reason for our successful relationship with dogs is that it is based on some principles.
Just like any successful relationship, our relationship with dogs is based on mutual respect and there are roles and rules to be followed. And that’s exactly why we need to help our dogs by training them. By training our dogs we teach them correct behaviors and habits and we actually assist their adaption to the very complex and demanding environment that we live today. The complex environment and the requirements of our modern society, mean that the basic training of our dogs is essential if we want to help them adjust in our environment and continue to live among us in harmony as our best friend. Basic training is the only way for a well-adjusted and happy dog.
This site is dedicated to provide detailed instructions about how to train your dog with love and positive reinforcement. On this blog you'll find dog training tips with detailed step by step instructions and photos about each command that you want to teach. You will find out that dog training is really simple, if you devote only minutes of your time daily to train your dog, you will manage far more than simply train your dog. You will successfully improve your dog’s life and yourr common future!
Team effort is always more efficient and also more enjoyable, so every comment and suggestion is more than welcome and will contribute in the proper training and adjustment of our dog!

Thank you for visiting this blog which is new but grows with useful information daily.  We hope to provide a warm corner with useful information for you and your favorite four-legged friend!
